"yam chin" singing

Weng Jin the "handsome" boy

entau ma???
typing error ma..
i was actually bz wif sth...
he kept on nudging me...
Bom me wif dis and dat..
ish ish...
den now suan me non stop.. walau eh!!
untuk kanak-kanak di bawah 12tahun sahaja!
We went to the beach opposite Spice Garden.
As you know, Penang beaches are very dirty
Along the beach, I saw many dead sea creature
May they rest in peace
3 of us caught few mini crabs and a baby cat fish (Tor Sat)
We went to Pizza Hut in Tesco for lunch
I heard rumours and received few e-mails about the restaurants.
The company charge government and service tax to non-Muslims only.
Is it true?
Well, I’m not sure
After lunch, YC couldn’t find his car key.
He thought I took it
He kept on accusing me
I’m not jokin la!!
We searched everywhere for it but to no avail
He had to call his mom to bring the spare key
in the end, we went to the Customer Service Dept.
The receptionists had the impression that I want to steal the car!
They kept on asking me this and that.
Although I was annoyed, I want to compliment them for their working commitment
I wana thank the person who found the car key.
He/she was honest enough to return us the key.
I believe he/she could choose to drive the car away
as the car key was hanging at the car door.
Thanks a lot
God bless you for your honesty (“,)
special thx to a gd fren of mine for editing!