the U6A3 students organize a gathering with Pn Loo two days ago
Pin Yin and i were the one who suggested to eat in Nandos
and we regretted choosing that place
Economy crisis
we should choose Food Court instead
Never mind! we did enjoy there right?

Pn Loo busy chit-chatting with her god-children!hahahaha!

the 3 ANGELS

The 4 ANGELS??
Mrs Teh and I
Amy and I
promoting extra hot peri-peri
Mrs Teh promoting pepper??
Mr and Mrs Teh with Pn Loo, the matchmaker :)
This picture will be in their wedding slide show few years from now
Pn Loo and us
The pretty girls with Pn Loo
The 'handsome' boys
The pretty girls
Group picture
Mrs Teh and Miss Hong with puppies!
Group picture outside NandosAfter dinner, we went to Jusco to '
pia tin'
Then we went to Food Court to chit-chat
Pn Loo said something that night
that will makes me remember always..
she said she feels blessed
to have us as her students,
to have a loving family and
to have a good husband.
If everyone in this earth thinks this way,
the world will be a better place to live in!!
Later that night, i went to Gurney to watch
TwilightYea, i am outdated as usual!!
I thought the show was boring at 1st
After the baseball game, it was exciting!!
Can i be vampire too??
Why everyone go
Ga-Ga over Edward Gellar?
He's cute as a vampire
is he really that adorable??