Saturday, August 21, 2010


Those who know me well
obviously notice that i have
what is sinusitis??
Based on wikipedia, the definition is
inflammation of the paranasal sinuses,
which may be due to infection, allergy or autoimmune issues.

This problem has been my BURDEN throughout my life!!



MindyNg said...

Ee Ping ,
There is this medicine you should use because I have the same sinus as you when I wake up and before I sleep or whenever there are dust ..... The medicine is called " Avamys " . Go to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist about the medicine . =)

PiGgY PiNg said...

hi Mindy.
thanks for dropping by..
I consulted doctor d...
Eat what oso no cure d..
except surgery due to narrow nasal.
anyway thanks ya =)