Denise and i worked for this roadshow for the past 4days.
We did have fun at times..
Of course, we faced some minor problems too.
Get to '
know' many types of people there.
Anyway, my supervisor treated us very well.
The people from the management were quite nice too.
No discrimination but got politic issue...
i guess every working places do have such issue too..
(even in school also
ada la)
I admire all my colleagues for being
so patient towards the customers
Hmmm.... get to meet
many many many type of customers too.
bla bla bla....we stood there for 40hours and luckily,
we did not fall sick YET...
some of my colleagues already took MC.
Anyway, thanks to all my colleagues(of 4days) for helping me out :P
So, anyone miss me??