Sunday, May 12, 2013

Internship in J

Greetings from the awesome Piggy Ping!!
How's everyone?
Good? Okay? Great?
(Ooops! I sudah lupa that I do not have avid blog fans anymore)
Never mind. Let me write this just like a diary!

Today, I want to talk about my internship in an EMS company.
It's been three months since i started my internship.
I remembered attending the interview session last year
during my preparation for L'Oreal Brandstorm 2013.
Schedule was tight, time was limited and I feel so tensed up.
I do not know what to prepare for the interview.
I was thinking,
"I sudah attend so many interviews before. All also get! takut apa?"
(Overconfident perhaps?)

Guess what?
I was bombarded with so many tough questions until I was speechless.
It was one of the toughest job interview I had so far.
And i was like....... DIE ALREADY LA!!
Will I get the offer to be an intern there?
At the same time, I was quite confident as well.
"He's keen to hire me la since he bombarded me with so many question"
Hahahaha! Mixed feeling obviously!

Second round interview by Business Unit Director.
No questions were thrown on me.
He basically explained what we have to do there.
Wah! Chances are high now!

And i got another offer from another company.
DILEMMA!! Which offer should I accept?
P or J?
Both are competitors!
In the end, i decided to go for J and I have never regret doing so!!

I am soooooooooo grateful to be where I am right now.
My manager is a very capable leader who never stop giving me valuable advice.
He even prepare me a personal progress tracker to ensure
I am able to learn a lot during my six months here.
He also can siau-siau with me and my colleagues.
Honestly, I am very impress with his capabilities.
He is also like a father figure to me.
Sometimes, things weren't going according to the plan.
He did not panic or freak out.
Instead, he calmly figure out a way to settle the issues.
(no wonder his white hair is getting more! hahaha!!)

And my awesome colleagues. I only have two for my team in my department.
(FYI, our company uses workcell design)
Both of them have been guiding me throughout my three months there.

As you know, I am a SLOW learner.
I lack the capacity to absorb information fast! haha!
And both of them have been very patient in coaching me.
They never throw tantrum at me.
They never scold me when I made mistakes.
They never push me away when I needed help.
They even treat me like their own family.
Where to find such a good team to work with?!!

My own cubicle 

I want to thank Him for giving me this opportunity and made me who I am today.
If I am still the "me" 10 years ago,
I will never get the chance to experience all these.
Of course I thank my family and friends who have been very supportive.
And also my high school teachers!
I believe my life has changed drastically since I became a counselor in Form3.


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