Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pox Pox Pox

Hello people!!!
How's life?!!
I've been 'dead' for a week.
So i am back now!
wooo hooooo! Miss me??

Anyway, I've been isolating myself for the past 1 week
from phone calls, sms and online social network due to a virus.
A virus that everyone has to go through called the

hell yeah!!! i am currently recovering from this virus.
I've been depress and in pain for the past few days.
The reason i didn't want to say it out loud is because
people keep telling me it is normal and it's okay
and bla bla bla..
no offence but i am the sufferer now.
so, i can say this: not everyone go through the same experience.
The fact about "the older u get it, the worse it become" is so true!!

It started 2 weeks ago when i had a terrible headache.
i thought it was due to my habit of sleeping late every night.
I went to consult the doctor.
He suspected me with dengue again!
oh great! if it's dengue, then i must congrats myself for the THIRD time!!
(i was admitted due to dengue when i was about 12 and 17)

I started to notice red, watery spot on my face and body last Sunday.
So, i knew it were definitely chicken pox 
( i got it from my 'beloved' boyfriend)
For 3 days, the pox kept popping out like nobody business.
My whole face was covered with the pox.
From head to toe, the chicken pox popped out.
I couldn't eat and drink as my throat was swallowed badly.
I couldn't walk, i couldn't wear my spec...
There were too much of  " could't " so i gave up and
turn to the road of depression! hahaha!
eating panadol everyday didn't help to decrease my temperature.
Was suffering like HELL!!!

My mom advised me to consult the doctor but i resisted.
(takut nak tengok orang.. terlalu hodoh)
Hahahahhahahah! Luckily God blessed me...
i started to recover few days ago...
The pox haven't dry up yet.
Only about 40% of the pox dried up.
Still waiting for the 60% and i am FREE!!
Now i got another worries...
Scar!!! damn!!!
Itchy itchy!!!
wish me the best of luck people!!! =)

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